
Machine Learning tools that power Aurora's self-driving platform.


Helping Aurora's autonomy engineers move faster

As Director of Product Design, I lead the team of product designers and UX researchers responsible for the tools and workflows that accelerate Aurora’s autonomy engineers.

  • Responsible for the user experience for over fifteen web applications for log search (Hubble), log visualization (Lightbox), simulation (Symphony), model evaluation (MLab, Test Drive), software release (Shipyard), triage (Prism), and localization (Map Maker) that are used by Aurora’s Perception, Maps, and Motion Planning autonomy teams.
  • Designed a new ground truth labeling platform (Lightbox Labeler) utilized by 1,000+ internal and external labelers that resulted in a 51% reduction in the average time-on-task required for scene labeling.
  • Developed the comprehensive UX roadmap for Driver autonomy web applications (label creation, labelset management, test creation, test evaluation, sim creation, triage, log search, log visualization, and software release) – reducing friction for users and consolidating front-end resources across multiple engineering teams.

My work with Aurora is under a non-disclosure agreement. Contact me to learn more.



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